A mother teaches her children to do their own laundry and dishes: “We should not be ashamed to help”

Life as a mother is far from easy. From the moment a baby is born, obligations pile up at a frantic pace.

However, women approach this experience differently, at their own pace and according to their life perspective.

Some mothers are lenient, others more demanding, and a few choose to involve their children in household chores.

This is the choice of a young Scottish mother who has made headlines on social media for her unique way of raising her children. This story, as reported by our colleagues at Mirror, sheds light on her life.

Natalie Sutherland, 32 years old, is a young mother living in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

In the past, she felt pressured to live up to the stereotype of the “perfect mother who does it all.” However, she chose to follow her own convictions and act on her maternal instincts, as reported by British media in 2022.

Indeed, because she loves her children and has significant responsibilities in their upbringing, she wanted to involve them in household life in an unusual way.

Her belief is to make her two children responsible from a young age so they can be independent and proactive in life. As she emphasizes, “participating in household chores like washing or tidying up is nothing to be ashamed of.” On the contrary!

In addition to being a mother and homemaker, she also has a professional life to manage, a social life, a husband, and other commitments. Although Natalie shares household chores with her husband, she sought a way to further reduce her domestic workload.

To balance her time while managing her business with her husband Marcus, she decided to delegate some responsibilities to her two children.

“Sometimes I feel guilty watching them do these chores, but I believe it’s very beneficial to teach these things to our children,” she says with conviction.

She has also shared her experience on the social network TikTok, sparking debate about this non-traditional parenting style.

While some have criticized her method, arguing that it’s not children’s role to do “work” at home, others have praised her initiative. Natalie isn’t affected by negative criticism.

She acknowledges that her approach is very personal, but it’s a lifestyle that suits her.


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