So vibrantly colored and this bird is resplendent in a coat of shimmering greens – golds and violets

A vibrantly colored bird with long legendary tail feathers and a coat of shimmering greens, golds, and violets.

The resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) is a species of bird in the trogon family.

These birds are named dazzling for a reason: they have an iridescent covering of green, gold, blue-violet plumage that changes color depending on where the light hits them.

They are gorgeous because of their gleaming crimson breast and belly.

Males have a helmet-like crest and a magnificent long tail that is longer than his body during the breeding season.

Females do not have the lengthy tail feathers that males have, but they do possess their partners’ brilliant blue, green, and red colors.

Their bills appear black, whilst males have yellow bills.

These birds may be found in the montane cloud forest of southern Mexico, Costa Rica, and western Panama.

Resplendent neutrals are specialized fruit eaters, preferring wild avocado and other laurel family fruits.

These birds eat the fruit whole and regurgitate the pips, which aids in the growth of the plants.

They will also eat insects, frogs, as well as lizards to augment their diet.

The ladies lay two eggs in a hole they dig in a rotting tree around 200 feet tall.

Both parents take turns incubating for around 18 days, with the males normally doing it during the day and the females doing so at night.

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