😨 If you see a rubber band on your door, 😨 you should know that it could mean something terrible 😲 Never open the door and don’t go outside 😢 Here’s what might happen 😲. Watch the video 👇 👇 👇
⬇️ ⬇️ You can read the full story by following the link in the comments ⬇️ ⬇️
If you see a rubber band on your door, you need to know that it could signify something terrible.
Home security is usually something people take seriously. Some people get dogs, trusting them as an alert and protection system.
Others install security cameras outside their homes in hopes of deterring potential criminals or recording them if they aren’t scared away.
But crafty criminals are always one step ahead and come up with new tricks.
A woman discovered this a few months ago when she faced a suspected burglary at her home.
“Two weeks ago,” she recounted, “someone knocked loudly on my door during the day. It wasn’t an ordinary knock; it was very loud (to be honest, I thought something bad had happened to someone and they needed help), but something felt off.
But my instinct told me not to open the door because I was home alone!”
“After several knocks, they finally left. I looked and saw through the glass door that it was a man.
About 30 minutes later, I went outside to see what had happened and found a rubber band attached to my door handle, meant to keep the door open when I unlocked the lock. That man was waiting for the moment I unlocked the door to just walk in.”
Shockingly, this woman, according to reports, almost became a victim of a trick used by criminals to gain access to people’s homes.
The woman also added, “As soon as you unlock the door, they won’t wait for you to turn the handle; they can just walk in. Either way, be careful; I was also a very trusting person, but I’m not that way at all anymore!”