“Watch the video about her next.”
Currently, the eyelashes of You Jianxia, a woman from Changzhou, southern China, measure about 20.5 centimeters.
They were already 12.5 centimeters long back in 2015, and in 2016, the young woman entered the Guinness World Records.
However, five years later, the length of her eyelashes on her upper left eyelid has reached 20.5 centimeters, according to the British newspaper “Daily Mail.”
You explained that since 2015, her eyelashes have continued to grow to their current length.
She consulted doctors to understand the reason behind this phenomenon.
The situation of the Chinese woman has intrigued doctors, as her eyelashes now reach her cheeks, but they could not provide an explanation. One doctor told her that it was truly amazing.
She stated that she tried to find scientific reasons for the length of her eyelashes, but no one in her family has eyelashes as long as hers, so it cannot be explained.
You believes that this might be due to divine intervention rather than science and said she believes her long eyelashes are a gift from Buddha, as she had spent a year and a half in the mountains.
Although her eyelashes sometimes fall onto her face, they do not affect her daily life. On the contrary, it has been quite helpful because she no longer needs to apply eyeshadow or eyeliner.
According to the Guinness World Record holder, washing her face and leading her daily life has become easier.
You added that from time to time her eyelashes fall out and grow back, and they continue to grow. They are now several centimeters longer than they were five years ago.
A new video of You and her feat has been released, garnering thousands of likes and many comments.