The genetic lottery can sometimes be fascinating. It can defy skin color, eye color, and even hair texture. Carrying the history of generations, DNA can sometimes lead to surreal surprises.
This is the story of a Nigerian couple who were stunned to discover that their baby was white with blue eyes. No, this has nothing to do with a youthful indiscretion; the explanation is rational and scientific. This unusual story was reported by our colleagues at Fox News. Here’s a closer look.
The parents of little Nmachi Ihenboro were astonished on the day of this happy event. The British-Nigerian couple gave birth, to their great surprise, to a white baby with striking blue eyes. Their fabulous story made headlines in the British press.
This genetic coincidence is rare: the odds are one in a million. Here’s a closer look.
British genetic experts are unanimous. Little Nmachi Ihenboro may have albinism. The Nigerian family are all black with brown eyes and curly hair. The baby, therefore, stands out with her blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin.
Although scientists cannot clearly identify the reasons for this curious dissonance, they do not rule out the possibility of a genetic mutation. Born at Queen Mary’s Hospital, this Caucasian baby amuses her parents, who are astonished by her skin color.
“I’m sure she’s my child. I’m just amazed that she’s blonde,” laughs Ben, the happy father. Angela is equally astonished. “At her birth, we were so surprised that we couldn’t say a word. I just looked at her and said, ‘What could have happened?’ I even wondered if she was really my child.”
A Happy Event
While little Nmachi Ihenboro sparks curiosity, her parents are all smiles at this adorable bundle of joy. “She’s beautiful. She’s a miraculous child,” says the overjoyed mother. This baby with golden hair and cobalt eyes is an exception among her darker-skinned siblings. The Nigerian couple sometimes faces accusations of infidelity, which they find upsetting.
Expert Opinion
To understand why little Nmachi was born white, the couple sought the expertise of geneticist Mark Thomas from University College London. According to the scientist, the chances of having a baby with different skin color are “one in a million or even one in several million.” The couple is delighted with the birth of their unique child.
“Her color doesn’t matter to us, and we will do what’s necessary to understand this phenomenon. She is a much-wanted and miraculous child,” smiles Angela. However, one possibility cannot be ruled out. Ben’s mother also has blue eyes. According to the expert, there is a possibility of a genetic mutation related to the presence of a “dormant white gene.” For now, this coincidence remains the subject of speculation.
Four Generations
Sometimes, the white gene can skip four generations. This was the case for Francis and Arlette, who, like the Nigerian couple, had an albino baby. However, the couple has a tangible explanation: Arlette has a Caucasian ancestor. They too are happy to have a child who defies all genetic determinism. Indeed, science continues to surprise us.