For the first time in the world a 50 years old woman gives birth to quadruplets

A 50-year-old mother gives birth to quadruplets for the first time ever.

Tracey Britten, a mother of seven who is 50, is content. Additionally, she recently gave birth to the last four.

Being the oldest mother in the UK to bear and deliver four babies—three girls, including two sets of identical twins—a London woman broke all previous records.

The child weighed 1.5 kilos, whereas the smallest girl only weighed about 900 grams. Tracy is overjoyed right now and says, “I wanted another little one. And received four as a gift. It’s miraculous.

At a medical facility in Cyprus, IVF was used to create the cubs. A team of 35 experts participated in the caesarean section delivery, which took place!

Having been pregnant for 31 weeks, the woman gave delivery. Her condition has drawn criticism from many, who claim that the cubs might not survive, given how old their mother is.

Although the cubs were born on October 26, it wasn’t until they became stronger that the story was made public.

Due to their weight, they were under the care of medical professionals. The young ones, however, were already living with their mother at New Year’s.

If a person has the power of will . She can overcome all difficulties.

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